On Wed, 21 May 2008 21:05:00 -0600, Dale Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Using an automated reader.. is a good good thing... to practice sending to. It 
>can be done with any machine... but it will garuntee that it will improve your 
>sending. Even as far back as the Vic20 could be used, and sending to it, will 
>fix the problems... way before you get to be known as "that guy that can't 
>send his QTH" or some such. 
>  Try sending a page or two from QST, to a reader... or send a q or two. it 
> works...
>Another trick is to use a recorder.... record your next Q...   then wait two 
>play it back... you will hear yourself in a different way than ever before. 
>  Try it... you will be amazed.--... ...--Dale - WC7S in Wy

I agree completely!

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.


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