Try a CQ on the "other" sideband. Sure, most ops won't copy but those who
will might produce an interesting QSO. 

If they have an Elecraft rig, it won't matter, since it covers both

And you might smoke out someone who has a rig that doesn't work on the other
sideband. Who knows, you might start a movement. At least you'll demonstrate
that USB actually works on 75 meters! (I'd be there are a few operators  who
aren't sure about that.)

Avoiding doing anything "different" is the surest way to avoid ever doing
anything new! You will always be following "the pack". 


-----Original Message-----

>I had a PRC-74 for a good while and finally sold it as there was no 

You're right about it not having LSB, Sandy.  I've got an AN/PRC-74B that
I've never fired up, so I had forgotten that it should not have been on my
list of LSB-capable military sets.  At least the 74B covers 20 meters (it
goes up to 18 MHz), unlike the earlier models that only covered up to 12
MHz.  That makes those models in practice CW-only in the ham bands below 7.3
MHz, except for those five USB 60 meter channels.

FWIW, I'd be happy with a shift to USB on all bands, but there's some
vintage ham gear out there that might not be readily adaptable.  The only
real plus to LSB mode is that signal pitch gets higher as the receiver is
tuned higher, which seems more natural to me.

But it isn't an important issue.  It's like tax reform...a good idea that
will never happen.

Mike / KK5F

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