On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 23:30:08 -0700, "Leigh L. Klotz, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>What I actually said was (in its entirety) this:
>  Perhaps it's too esoteric, but it would be nice if there were a way to 
>disable the CW in SSB mode feature for 60m.
>Lyle Johnson wrote:
>> Please keep in mind that the K3 is shipped worldwide. Many 
>> administrations have rules less restrictive than in the U.S.
>> 73,
>> Lyle KK7P

Although it has become common practice to protect us from ourselves in all walks
of life, I prefer that rig manufacturers not restrict my operating capabilities.
It's my responsibility to follow the rules.  I don't want rig manufacturers to
take on that responsibility for me.

It reminds me of when I asked the policeman who visited my elementary school,
"Why don't you find a way to stop criminals from committing crimes?".  His
answer was, "It's my Job to bring the criminals in our society to justice, not
to  prevent them from committing the crimes."


Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.


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