Hello, all,

I'm about to order a K1, and thought I'd ask your opinions about various options and configuration choices.

1. I understand the tuning range can be set to either 75kHz or 150kHz. My inclination is to go with the 75kHz range, for the slower tuning rate.

2. Somewhat related to 1), will I be better off with a range of 7000-7075kHz or 7025-7100kHz, or possibly some other coverage.

3. What are your thoughts on the following options? In particular, are they effective, and are any of them much easier to install during initial assembly (as opposed to being retrofit)?
  A.  KAT1 Antenna Tuner
  B.  KNB1 Noise Blanker
  C.  KBT1 Battery Holder

Thanks and 73,

Dave KQ3T

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