Back when the K3 was first announced, someone suggested a T-shirt that said
"My K2 is lonely". 

Not so in my case. Assembling and tinkering with a K3, it's my soldering
iron that gets lonely. For some of us, if we didn't melt solder we've missed
out on something important. 

Is the K3 a "better performer"? That's entirely in the mind of the operator.
If the specifications are what defines "performance", yes it is. 

If the psychological "rush" and enjoyment one gets from operating it defines
"performance", that's not necessarily true.


-----Original Message-----
This is something that I have been thinking about recently.  I have the
and I don't consider it to be a QRP rig.  If it were to put out five watts
less then I would call it a QRP rig.  For me, it works great and 10 to 15 
watts is all I need, even with the current band conditions.  It just makes
that much more fun!  The only option that I have installed is the SSB board.

 I have also had unsolicited great audio reports with it.  I've thought
maybe getting the DSP board but, I have on outboard DSP unit that I use and
be honest, I don't like DSP all that much.  I also have an Autek audio
that works great with the K2.  So, I pretty much have what I want.  Is it
best bang for the buck?  For me it is and as you said, you build it

I order my K2 a couple of days before Elecraft announced the K3.  It is
and I'm wondering how many K2's have been sold since then.  It seems that
are still selling them even with the K3 on the scene.  Some people still
to build and some people don't.  It's a fun and simple rig to operate.  I 
operate mostly CW, however.

Gary, N7HTS

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