Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

Another useful option would be steps 1 and 2 only; or of
course none of the above.

My preference is to transfer frequency and mode only. Setting mode should restore the last used filter settings for that mode and (when VFO IND is implemented) I don't want A->B changing the preamp, AGC, RX Ant, etc. settings on the subreceiver.

I've never found the automatic frequency offset (Quick Split) feature useful on any of the other radios. Still, as long as the offset can be set to zero it is effectively the same.

Sometimes I'd prefer that too; it depends on the type of operating.

The discussion only goes to show that SPLIT behavior needs to be configurable to suit a wide range of user preferences, and not too deeply buried in the menu system.


73 from Ian GM3SEK
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