Congrats Dale!

There were, at least, two other K2s in the winner circle ;o)

Gene, KB7Q and I both placed in the Top 10 SOLP... My certificate was
waiting for me when I went home.

Look forward to logging you and many other QRPers this year as well.

A couple of suggestions for any new QRP Top Band Contesters:

1) Don't sign /QRP. It slows things down.

2) Don't repeat the 5NN exchange if asked for a repeat, particularly if band
conditions are poor.

3) Don't QRS, except as a last resort, a fast exchange is easier to catch if
there is a lot of QSB.

4) Do QSY around the guy you're calling if they don't come back to you. By
this I mean use your RIT or XIT as you may be out of the passband. This is
not unique to QRP, but can be to newbies. I usually run with my filters
pretty wide (700 hz or so), but still have folks call well out of that range
and they usually have decent signal.

5) Do try again. If someone is running, they will either come back to the
loudest signal or the distinct one by pitch. My hearing does better with
lower pitched signals. I've watched John, K4BAI, copy signals with ease ata
much higher pitch. This goes hand in hand with item 4. If not, check back on
your next sweep, when things slow down or on the second night of a contest
like ARRL 160 or CQ WW DX.

Running QRP is challenging and fun. It does require a bit more thought and
different strategies.


6) Don't underestimate your signal. Seriously, some QRP signals are
monstrous (no not just VY2ZM and his 4 Square Array hihi). Know your paths
and your openings. 

Dale Putnam wrote:
> I just received the 2007 ARRL 160 1st place Single op QRP WY section
> certificate...
> The K2 does its best every day... 
> And I don't even have the better antenna up.... yet. (again)(dog gone wind
> anyway)
> Thanks to everyone responsible, and to all the good ears that make this
> possible. 
> C U in the next test...
> Listen for the "other" signals on the bands... not just the KILLER
> signals...
> and the K2 does that very well.. indeed.--... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy
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