> I bet this will add some punch to your Top Band QRP signal.
> Scroll down a bit.  It is difficult to imagine the scale, so read a
> little about it.

That will be an interesting experiment but I'm glad I'm not funding it! 
There is data that suggests it may not work as well as one might expect
(i.e. a vertical array may be better).  There's a unique aspect to 160
propagation called magnetic coupling loss which K9LA describes briefly in
his Polarization article:

"Again, as expected, the characteristic waves take different paths through
the ionosphere --
but the difference is significantly more on 160m because 1.8MHz is very
close to the
electron gyro-frequency (which varies from about 0.7 to 1.7MHz worldwide
on the intensity of the magnetic field), which significantly modifies the
index of  
refraction of the x-wave. And as we saw on 10m, the x-wave refracts more
than the o-wave. 

The other obvious result is that the x-wave, over the same one-hop path,
significantly more absorption than the o-wave. Again, this is due to 1.8MHz
being very
close to the electron gyro-frequency, which significantly modifies the
amount of
absorption of the x-wave. Because of this, the x-wave is usually ignored in
studies on 160m (and on the AM broadcast band, too). This effect is also
seen on 80m,
but to a lesser extent."

Several who have tried *high* horizontal dipoles (0.5 wl = 270') on 160 find
they do not work nearly as well as verticals.  Conversely, on 80 meters,
horizontal antennas work very well indeed.  I'm sure the 5 element at the
OH8X site will work quite well, but the jury is still out on the 160 Yagi
IMHO.  I hope they have a good vertical system for comparisons.

If you want to read (a lot!) more, try typing "coupling loss" or
"polarization loss" into the box at the top of this page:

73,  Bill  W4ZV
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