Thanks to all who have replied.

The amplifier that I have in mind is an old Dentron GLA-1000B that I am 
restoring. It is a grounded grid sweep tube amplifier and uses fixed pi 
networks (a different network for each band, selected by the band 
switch) at the input. It is supposed to have a better than 2:1 SWR at 
input. Back in the day, I used to run it with a Kenwood T-599D 
transmitter whose output tank circuit was a wide range pi network, and 
there never was a problem coupling the transmitter energy into the 

However, my K2 is much touchier about the range of loads it will tolerate.

As the amp is not yet restored, I have not yet tried running it with the 
K2. Thus, maybe I'll have a problem and maybe I won't. I did notice that 
at least one poster to the list has had a problem the SWR seen by a K2 
looking into a cheap tube type amplifier. Thus, I'm thinking what I 
might do if I run into the problem.

If I do have an SWR problem, I see three possible solutions:

1) (If even possible) Change the values of the mica capacitors in the 
amplifier input circuits to obtain a better match in the relatively 
narrow CW segments in which I operate.

2) Insert an attenuator between the K2 and the amp. A 2 dB attenuator 
would knock down a 2:1 SWR to 1.53:1. The down side is that I'd probably 
need to construct the attenuator from thin film resistors. The other 
down side is that I'd be contributing about 35 Watts to the Heat Death 
of the Universe. The 63 watts (or so) coming out of the generator is 
adequate drive for the amp to give me 400 Watts out. The up side is that 
there is no tuning.

3) Insert a tuner (which do have on hand) between the K2 and the amp. 
This is the cheapest solution, but it makes band changing take many steps.

Regarding AD6XY's precautions:

1) This is a valve amplifier and not solid state.

2) I've never had a problem with amplifier oscillation in the past. It 
is a grounded grid configuration and relatively low gain. It is not 
impossible that it will oscillate, but it is less vulnerable than other 

3) I have a very high quality KW dummy load for sush purposes as 
adjusting amplifiers.

Thanks agasin & 73,


AD6XY wrote:
> I would say something slightly different. Firstly I am assuming the PA is on.
> It might help to measure the input, especially if it is a valve amplifier.
> If it is solid state the input match is more likely to be RF power
> dependent, but if the match is really bad at low power it is not likely to
> get better at high power and such an amplifier would not be linear. A better
> way would be to measure at the power you intend to use but that requires a
> directional coupler. It is not ideal but an SWR meter connected with a very
> short lead would probably do.
> If the amplifier oscillates then there is a very high chance of damaging the
> analyzer, but if that were the case, then at least it did not destroy the
> rig. Make sure the amplifier output has a wideband matched load - definitely
> NOT an antenna. 
> I don't think a blocking capacitor would be any use unless there is DC on
> the amplifier input line. If there is, there is probably a problem.
> Note: You can use an antenna analyser to initially measure matching circuits
> of a high power valve amplifier, but only when it is off. You need to load
> the anode with an appropriate impedance equal to the operational anode
> output load and tune and load for a good match at the output. It will not be
> spot on but it should be a good starting point. It is very hard to optimise
> the tank circuit in a valve PA any other way because of the high voltages
> both DC and RF. It does not tend to work so well with transistors as the
> impedances are so low and often dominated by the device capacitance.
> Mike
>> I would say no to all three questions.  The input impedance to the amp
>> will not be the same when it is not powered and driven.  The SWR
>> indication on the driver will give you some idea of the input impedance. 
>> It should not hurt the antenna analyzer if the amplifier is not powered,
>> but I don't think it will tell you anything useful.  With power on the
>> amp, it might.
>> Willis 'Cookie' Cooke 
>> K5EWJ

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