After reading all the postings about audio, I tried a couple of different
ear sets.  I set all but my equalizer to normal settings for SSB.  My
equalizer I didn't touch until I tried to see the impact when I tried
different earbuds.

I do not have Heil pro's as I don't like the cover the ear devices because
they cause me to sweat and I cannot hear the wife when she's needing
something.  I find the adjustments for all the settings on the equalizers
work for me with the earbuds.  I can distinguish changes.  I also tried the
offset and that can help with either base or treble boost as well.  The
first headset was an inexpensive Sony stereo earbuds(108 dbm sensitivity
which is very good). Then I tried my studio quality Shure e5c's which have
much greater sensitivity, I forget the amount, but it is enough to hear the
audio hiss or noise floor of the K3.  The K3 is not studio quality audio and
I doubt any of them are and I did not try this on any other radio).  I
generally don't use headsets so with the speakers, audio quality seems
superior to other rigs I own (TS2000 and IC7000). I have always liked my 3

Perhaps there is a relationship between some of the radios and audio devices
which are connected to the K3 that create the issues. 

I use a Vertex MLS-100 mobile external speaker, and I have it literally in
front of me so I can hear it with light audio settings.  There is zero hiss
from the radio and the audio is excellent.

I don't know if this is of any help, but the time taken keeps me from
avoiding other work.  Hope you and others are able to find a suitable


K2 #35; KX1 #35; K3 #1744; mini mods

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Arie Kleingeld PA3A

I have tried to adjust the audio of the K3 to my liking.

Hi side of spectrum: To get rid of the higher freq's I set the RX-eq 8
to minus 8dB.
Lo side of the spectrum: I tried out the RX-eq 1 and 2. Absolutely no
difference! Not even with the lo cut set to zero.
RX-eq 3 (200Hz) responded better. Set this to plus 8dB

I sure wish that the 100Hz and 50Hz (RX-eq 1 and 2) would show some
response. Low frequencies seem to be absent.

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