Just thinking out loud here - 

If the "P3" band-scope were set up to occupy one-half of the width  of 
a  cabinet that was otherwise the same size as the K3, then perhaps a 
future "gift" from Aptos could come in the form of a transmit monitor 
scope (to monitor a the CW/SSB/AM modulation envelope) that would fill 
the other half of the enclosure.    One of the best options back in the 
old Heathkit days was to have both the HO-10 and the H0-13 (or their SB 
series big brothers) sitting side by side.  Looked great, and gave 
useful information to the operator in the form of assurances that the 
outgoing signal was clean.    The  "monitor scope" function could  also 
operate during receive so a person could check the "other guy's" signal 
for flat-topping,  under and over modulation, etc.

Other options for the "unused" half of the P3 cabinet could include a 
speaker, a rotor-control / indicator for some of the more popular 
units,  and,  as someone already suggested, a small 20 to 30 A switcher 
that could provide power for the K3 and perhaps a few accessories.  Lots 
of possibilities here.

- Jim, KL7CC

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