Great !!! 
We will see soon a 3D-SP movie picture scenario  Hi !
Philippe A65BI

*Elecraft, by Hams, for Hams...What else !

>>> <> 10-02-2010 15:16 >>>
In a related incident, another ham-radio  enthusiast, Hezekiah Bambershoot, 
of Ft Jackson, was arrested at police  headquarters for disorderly conduct 
and assaulting a police officer.   Bambershoot initially came to 
headquarters reporting he had been victimized  buying a radio from a mysterious 
Californian named Ellie Craft.   

Ms Craft allegedly took advantage of Bambershoot by claiming to  have 
down-conversion which he mistook for a syndrome of the same name.   Bambershoot 
was happy with his purchase until his friends told him how foolish  he had 

According to Police spokesman, Ken Wood, "The poor  man was distraught and 
raving about roofing filters.  What the heck are  they?"  The arrest report 
filed by fellow-ham and officer, Ike Com, listed  Bambershoot's original 
complaint as "radio mushiness" but notes, "I told him all  my radios sound 
mushy but he was upset he couldn't hear it on his.  When we  tried to calm him 
down he became unruly."

Su Yae, an EMT called to the  scene, defended Bambershoot saying, "When I 
got there he was on the floor  repeating 'A, G, C, Slope, Pre and A T T' over 
and over.  He was  babbling.  They claimed he was clicking his heels but I 
didn't hear  anything.  The poor man was just frustrated because his 
purchase had so  many faults he couldn't find.  I feel sorry for him."   

Bambershoot is being held on $10,000 bond.  Police are still  searching for 
the elusive Ellie Craft.


In a  message dated 2/9/2010 6:22:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  writes:

Southland County  Morning News

Southland -- A ham radio enthusiast was admitted to County  Hospital today 
suffering from anxiety over what he perceived as serious problems  with his 
new radio, authorities reported Tuesday.

Irv Stumpo, 55, of East  Pharsalia, checked into the emergency room "in 
distress," according to the nurse  on watch just before midnight Tuesday. "He 
was perspiring profusely and moaning  over and over, 'My K-3 is no good, no 
good'," said Paula Stevens, a nurse at  County. "He had enormous headphones 
clamped tightly on his head which we had a  ton of difficulty removing, and 
he was also wearing ear buds," she said. "Isn't  that strange? He was half 
incoherent but kept mumbling something about dynamic  range and audio 
artifacts. I have no idea what that means."

Randy LaHood,  a fifteen year emergency room veteran, said that during an 
examination Mr.  Stumpo went into considerable technical detail about a radio 
he had recently  purchased from Elecraft, a company that makes high-end ham 
radios. "He began by  explaining that his radio had 'noisy receiver' and 
'mushy signals'," explained  Dr. LaHood. "From what I could gather, he had 
just spent a lot of money on a  radio and hadn't actually noticed any of these 
problems himself, but others in a  internet group kept putting the ideas 
into his head," he said. Over a course of  weeks, Stumpo became distraught over 
various imperfections in what Dr. LaHood  said was a classic case of the 
power of suggestion.

The hospital records  also said that Stumpo drew mathematical figures he 
labeled "AGC slope", and  filled four pages by writing "AGC off", "Ear 
Isolation" and "K3" repeatedly.  Hospital officials could not explain the 

Dr. LaHood  said that Stumpo repeated the phrase "mushy AGC" for at least 
four hours while  he waited for treatment. Other patients who were in the 
waiting room at the time  moved to the other side of the room for fear he might 
endanger them. J. B.  Archer was one of those in the waiting room at the 
time who had brought in his  twelve-year-old son with a basketball injury. 
"Good ol' boy was pretty upset, I  just told him it would be alright, but he 
wouldn't let up with 'I can't pick out  the pileups'. I thought he had been 
involved in a big accident on the highway.  Then he said other things like 
'the impedance of my headphones' and 'ride the R.  F. gain'. Then he started 
with 'diversity problem' and I thought maybe he was  having trouble with 
racial relations. He was in terrible shape, I'll tell you  that."

Rick Culver, president of a local ham radio club, told the Morning  News in 
a telephone interview, "A lot of these guys spend five or ten thousand  
dollars on a radio they think is going to be absolutely perfect in every  
conceiveable way. When it's not, they go into a panic buying lots of other  
accessories which promise to fix the issue they think they're having. This is  
followed by a deep buyer's remorse." He went on to recount a recent case which 
 epitomized this effect. "We had one guy who had a radio that put out 95 
watts  instead of 100. He went berserk and ended up smashing his radio with a 
baseball  bat. Not everyone gets that violent, but he never would have 
worried about it if  it hadn't been for an internet forum that drummed it into 
his head twenty four  seven that his radio was broken."

Hospital officials said that Stumpo was  treated with sedatives and is 
being kept for  observation.
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