On Oct 20, 2008, at 8:54 PM, Dave Ketchum wrote:

It may be difficult, but useless to claim impossible.

Could start the thinking by considering weighting the votes from the small states, consistent with the advantage they get via the Electoral College.

The small states lose their advantage with NPV; perhaps NPV would make it easier, not harder, to implement a better fix.


On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 22:15:45 -0500 Paul Kislanko wrote:
Is the Electoral College recognized as having lived ot its useful life? If so, perhaps we could do up a worthwhile constitutional amendment. For the same reason we have an Electoral College there's no way to get a Constitutional Amendmendt on the ballot - such a suggestion would have to pass the Senate, wherein even the smallest state has two representatives who
would be against the idea.
For the same reason the EC is bad, it can't ever be changed - it gives an inordinate amount of authority to the "small" states, and those states, now
that they have it, are not likely to give it up.

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