Good Morning, Juho

re: "If there is a common understanding that this (or some other
     plan) should be implemented then you can do it."

That's wishful thinking. Every perversion extant, political or otherwise, runs counter to the 'common understanding'. Optimism is a wonderful trait; an unrealistic expectation is not. Glenn Miller's beautiful rendition to the contrary notwithstanding, wishing will NOT make it so.

re: "There have been also idealistic revolutions that have not
     led to positive results in the long run."

I'm not sure what that assertion is intended to mean (it may contain a typographical error). In any case, idealistic revolutions can lead to widely different changes in society.

We've mentioned the disastrous results of fascistic and communistic revolts, while, on the positive side, my country prides itself on the major advance in democratic governance that flowed from its revolution. The results of revolutions tend to be dictated by their leaders. As I said in a recent message, "The American Revolution was unusual because its nominal leader had no aspirations beyond the stated aim of the revolution." Unfortunately for all of us, that is the exception rather than the rule.

re: "Parties have the potential to be destructive.  But I don't
     see that they would necessarily become destructive at some

Of course they don't 'necessarily' become destructive. They need a catalyst ... a demagogue ... to send them careening down the path of extremism and destruction. Building on such a foundation is building on quicksand. It guarantees failure, if not because of your party, because of someone else's.

It is my opinion that giving any subset of our society greater influence in our government than any other subset is inherently wrong. Unless one is committed to advancing some point of view over other points of view, the purpose of considering political systems must always be to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in the decision-making process. Whether any or all of them are Liberal, Conservative, Catholic, Protestant, Communist, Capitalist, or of any other ideological bent is not important. The important thing is that they, all of them, have an equal opportunity to participate ... whatever their biases.

Juho, you and I examined the elements of partisanship in detail several months ago. If you can not see the deleterious effect partisanship has on our world, if you didn't recognize the cause of my homeland's invasion of a sovereign nation, if you are unaware of the politically sanctioned excesses that led to the economic collapse engulfing us, if you haven't noticed the poison flowing out of the middle east for more than 50 years, I don't believe there's anything I can say that will change your mind about a fundamentally flawed approach to democratic government.

Fred Gohlke
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