
Your range scores are a little bit wrong, so you have to add half a B vote
for the example to work (or double all factions and add one B vote if you
discriminate against fractional people), but yes, this is at heart a valid
example where the method fails FBC.

Note that in my tendentious terminology this is only a "defensive" failure,
that is, it starts from a position of a sincere condorcet cycle, which I
believe will be rare enough in real elections to be discountable. In
particular, this failure does not result in a stable
two-party-lesser-evil-strategy self-reinforcing equilibrium.


2011/11/24 Chris Benham <>

> Forest,
> In reference to your new Condorcet method suggestion (pasted at the
> bottom), which elects an
> uncovered candidate and if there is none one-at-time disqualifies the
> Range loser until a remaining
> candidate X covers all the other remaining candidates and then elects X,
> you wrote:
> "Indeed, the three slot case does appear to satisfy the FBC..".
> No. Here is my example, based on that Kevin Venke proof you didn't like.
> Say sincere is
> 3: B>A
> 3: A=C
> 3: B=C
> 2: A>C
> 2: B>A
> 2: C>B
> 1: C
> Range (0,1,2) scores: C19,   B17,   A12.
> C>B 8-5,   B>A 10-5,   A>C  7-6.
> C wins.
> Now we focus on the 3 B>A preferrers. Suppose (believing the method meets
> the FBC)
> they vote B=A.
> 3: B=A  (sincere is B>A)
> 3: A=C
> 3: B=C
> 2: A>C
> 2: B>A
> 2: C>B
> 1: C
> Range (0,1,2) scores: C19,   B17,   A15.
> C>B 8-5,   B>A 7-5,   A>C  7-6.
> C still wins.
> Now suppose they instead rate their sincere favourite Middle:
> 3: A>B  (sincere is B>A)
> 3: A=C
> 3: B=C
> 2: A>C
> 2: B>A
> 2: C>B
> 1: C
> Range (0,1,2) scores: C19,   A15,   B12.
> A>B  8-7,   A>C  7-6,    C>B  8-5
> Now those 3 voters get a result they prefer, the election of their
> compromise
> candidate A. Since it is clear they couldn't have got a result for
> themselves as
> good or better by voting B>A or  B>C or B this is a failure of the FBC.
> Chris Benham
>   *From:* "" <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 23 November 2011 9:01 AM
> *Subject:* Re: An ABE solution
> You are right that although the method is defined for any number of slots,
> I suggested three slots as
> most practical.
> So my example of two slots was only to disprove the statement the
> assertion that the method cannot be
> FBC compliant, since it is obviously compliant in that case.
> Furthermore something must be wrong with the quoted proof (of the
> incompatibility of the FBC and the
> CC) because the winner of the two slot case can be found entirely on the
> basis of the pairwise matrix.
> The other escape hatch is to say that two slots are not enough to satisfy
> anything but the voted ballots
> version of the Condorcet Criterion.  But this applies equally well to the
> three slot case.
> Either way the cited "therorem" is not good enough to rule out compliance
> with the FBC by this new
> method.
> Indeed, the three slot case does appear to satisfy the FBC as well.  It is
> an open question.  I did not
> assert that it does.  But I did say that "IF" it is strategically
> equivalent to Approval (as Range is, for
> example) then for "practical purposes" it satisfies the FBC.  Perhaps not
> the letter of the law, but the
> spirit of the law.  Indeed, in a non-stratetgical environment nobody
> worries about the FBC, i.e. only
> strategic voters will betray their favorite. If optimal strategy is
> approval strategy, and approval strategy
> requires you to top rate your favorite, then why would you do otherwise?
> Forest
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Chris Benham
> Forest,
> "When the range ballots have only two slots, the method is  simply
> Approval, which does satisfy the
> FBC."
> When you introduced the method you suggested that 3-slot ballots be used
> "for simplicity".
>  I thought you might be open to say 4-6 slots, but a complicated algorithm
> on 2-slot ballots
>  that is equivalent to Approval ??
> "Now consider the case of range ballots with three slots: and  suppose
> that optimal strategy requires the
>  voters to avoid the middle slot.  Then the method reduces to Approval,
> which does satisfy the FBC."
> The FBC doesn't stipulate that all the voters use "optimal  strategy", so
> that isn't relavent.
> Chris  Benham
> Forest Simmons wrote (17 Nov 2011):
> Here’s my current favorite deterministic proposal: Ballots are Range
> Style, say three slot for simplicity.
> When the ballots are collected, the pairwise win/loss/tie relations are
> determined among the candidates.
> The covering relations are also determined.  Candidate X covers candidate
> Y if X
> beats Y as well as every candidate that Y beats.  In other words row X of
> the
> win/loss/tie matrix dominates row Y.
> Then starting with the candidates with the lowest Range scores, they are
> disqualified one by one until one of the remaining candidates X covers any
> other
> candidates that might remain.  Elect X.
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