If one is going to propose a method involving proxies, then Proxy DD is the 
biggest and most
ambitious improvment. I described it in a posting when you asked about it.
Though it's a much more ambitious thing to ask for, maybe people _would_ want a
good proxy system such as Proxy DD.  A good single-winner method should be used 
with it.

Excuse me for hijacking the thread, but I haven't been following up on the development on proxy direct democracy. I assume this is the same thing as "liquid democracy", i.e. that you have a direct democracy where the voters can subscribe or give their voting power to proxies.

What's the answer to the vote-buying objection to proxy democracy? This goes something like: "we can easily offer some proxy money to vote for X, because we'll simply subscribe to this proxy and see if he tells his constituents to vote for X, and not give him any money if he doesn't". That, if unaddressed, would weaken proxy democracy's counterbalance to the power of money.

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