
It's true that *with the ballots as cast* any Condorcet-compliant method would 
worked identically. What you don't know until you try it, is whether voters 
actually cast those ballots, given the incentives created by the method. That 
I don't see an obvious reason why Tideman or MinMax would have gone differently.


> De : "r...@audioimagination.com" <r...@audioimagination.com>
>À : election-methods@lists.electorama.com 
>Envoyé le : Samedi 20 avril 2013 13h20
>Objet : Re: [EM] Associated Student Government at Northwestern University uses 
>Schulze Method
>> since there was no cycle, any Condorcet compliant work have worked 
>> identically.  if it had a cycle, since there were only three candidate 
>> tickets, Schulze, Tideman, and MinMax would still have performed identically.
>oops.  i realize that there were 4 candidate tickets and then 6 pairwise 
>still doesn't change that, with a Condorcet winner, it made no difference.  if 
>there was a 4-way cycle, perhaps Schulze would choose a different winner than 
>the other
>also was going to mention that i had attended Northwestern during the Reagan 
>years.  was a PhD student but left ABD.
>r b-j
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