Hi all,

I was wondering what are the plans of the eOS team about Wayland. Are you
choosing Wayland or Mir?

Personally speaking, I think that Wayland is the correct option here for a
lots of reasons, so I made a proof of concept C++/QML compositor that looks
like [1].

I know that elementary OS relies on GTK+ but in my opinion, talking about
Wayland and interface design, Qt is a step ahead GTK+,  allowing you to
make 100% customizable GUIs without many effort.
To quote some example, as you can see in the screenshot, the window shadow
is implemented in 7 QML lines:

    RectangularGlow {

        anchors.fill: parent

        glowRadius: shadowRadius

        spread: 0.2

        color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0.5)

        cornerRadius: shadowRadius


And the fade in/out effect for opening/closing windows is implemented
in 3 lines:

    Behavior on opacity {

        NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InCubic; duration: 400; }


Plus you can build 100% custom responsive UIs (phone, tablet and desktop in
the same app without many changes) with cool animations as you can see in
this other project [2] And yes... that means that it is possible to adapt
the compositor to run it in different kind of devices like phones or

And all of this is hardware accelerated :) So, after pointing why I used Qt
instead of GTK+ to build this proof of concept compositor, I'd like to ask
you... Are you guys interested on porting the eOS shell to Wayland? Would
you be interested in the use of Qt, or do you prefer to maintain a GTK+
only system for some reason? If the answer is yes, would you be interested
on my collaboration?

I'm waiting for your reply,
Thank you!

[1] http://oi60.tinypic.com/ekrjaw.jpg
[2] https://github.com/JoseExposito/ubuntuone-qt-files
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