On Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 1:39:35 PM UTC-4, Onorio Catenacci wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been working through Lance Halvorson's book and I got to a point 
> where I was trying to test the ability to join a phoenix channel via JS 
> code.  I kept getting back an error to the effect that it couldn't find the 
> join/3 function in the channel. The code he had was something like this:
> def join("game:" <> game, _payload, socket) do
>    {:ok, socket}
> end
> When I checked the Channel.join docs, I spotted that that second parameter 
> is typespec'd as a map. I modified the parameter to %{} = _payload and sure 
> enough everything worked as expected.
> I then noticed that I was getting a compiler warning about join/3 not 
> properly implementing the protocol.  
> I'm sorry--I realize I'm being kind of vague. I just wanted to see if 
> maybe that should be an _error_ not a warning.  Just wondering about 
> opinions on this.
> If my vagueness is too hard to follow for this conversation, I can dig up 
> exact code and messages. :)
It occurs to me that probably my question wasn't as clear as I hoped.

Right now when a function is not properly implementing the associated 
protocol I get a compiler _warning_.  Does anyone else feel (as I do) that 
it should actually be a compiler _error_? 

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