
Is this algorithm inherently slow and memory inefficient or is there 
something wrong with the implementation? Running it on two 5000 elements 
takes 20 seconds and 1.7 Gigabytes (!) of memory

iex(1)> a = String.duplicate("a", 5000) |> String.graphemes()
iex(2)> b = String.duplicate("b", 5000) |> String.graphemes()
iex(3)> :erlang.memory()
[total: 22780608, processes: 5842616, processes_used: 5841624, system: 
 atom: 264529, atom_used: 260532, binary: 40448, code: 7295199, ets: 375008]

iex(4)> List.myers_difference(a, b)  # takes 20 seconds
iex(5)> :erlang.memory()           
[total: 1816622088, processes: 1799695120, processes_used: 1799694128,
 system: 16926968, atom: 264529, atom_used: 260622, binary: 23688,
 code: 7298655, ets: 376544]         # And 1.7Gb of memory


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