Have you looked at the modularity section 
<http://guide.elm-lang.org/architecture/modularity/counter_pair.html> of 
the Elm guide? It doesn't yet specifically cover nesting components that 
have subscriptions, but points you to examples 3 and 4 here 
You should end up with your main body module having something like

type Msg
    = MyTopLevelMessage Int
    | SomeOtherTopLevelMessage String
    | ClockMessage Clock.Msg

so the main module has one message type that wraps all clock-related 
messages in their own tag (oblivious to whether those clock-related 
messages are time ticks or anything else). If your clock has subscriptions, 
your main module might do something like

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    Sub.map ClockMessage (Clock.subscriptions model.clock)

to generate a top-level subscription (perhaps batching that with its own 
subscriptions if necessary). If you can post some of your code we can take 
a look...

On Wednesday, 10 August 2016 01:21:40 UTC+10, Rupert Smith wrote:
> On Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 11:30:00 PM UTC+1, Rupert Smith wrote:
>> The next step I think will be to take the navigation bar, and the clock 
>> widget and organize the code in such a way that the widget is a re-usable 
>> component that I can embed in the navigation bar.
> Up till now I have mostly messed around with the view - so I can use a 
> functional language to render a view. This is very nice and a lot more 
> powerful than say Handlebars templates. I started using StringTemplate in 
> Java because it claimed to be a functional language that did templating. In 
> fact, it never really lived up to its claim to be a functional language. 
> Elm views do feel like a functional templating language - it is easy to 
> combine the functions that produce output with whatever complex functions 
> you need to structure or calculate the content of the output.
> I have followed this guide to structuring the code:
> http://blog.jenkster.com/2016/04/how-i-structure-elm-apps.html#comment-2634825704
> Moderately helpful - at least it made the files smaller, I know which file 
> to open to adjust the model, update function or view and there is not too 
> much text in each. It feels more manageable that way.
> But this is definitely getting harder... 
> I have embedded the clock as a component within another, which is the main 
> body part of the page. What I am struggling a bit with, is how do I attach 
> the 'subscription' that transforms Time into a Tick that then drives the 
> clock 'update' function back to the top-level subscription needed to build 
> the whole application?
> I need a Tick Msg at the top-level to do this? This feels a bit strange, 
> surely there is some way I can attach the clock to the timer without 
> needing to be aware of that from outside of that particular component? That 
> is, just add the clock to my view and let it tick away all by itself...

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