I often feel the same. The "just use ports" argument frustrates me when ports, 
unlike tasks, just don't compose. Eg a hypothetical

readSessionFromLocalStorage `Task.andThen` makeAPIRequest 

Function which, because local storage isn't available in Task form (Yet) turns 
into a 2 stage thing in an update method. If I want to use some custom JS API 
client to make an http request I hit the same wall because I need to remove it 
from my nicely composed chain of tasks and pollute my update function with port 
related back and forth.

Ports and Subs are, however, more like channels than one off events, and so as 
they stand they simply can't compose in the same way as tasks. 

What I'd like is something more like a plugin style approach, where on the JS 
side I can write a function that returns a Promise and hook that into Elm (eg 
set Elm.Main.tasks.mytask to be that function), and then on the Elm side I can 
use that as a task (maybe by declaring 'task mytask : String -> Result String 
SomeOutput'). This would make it far easier to embed JavaScript snippets into 
Elm in a,composable way than ports when you don't want an open one way 
communication channel.

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