> I have similar concerns about how deep down the stack Elm can go. At some 
> point, it seems like a good thing to separate business logic concerns from 
> UX logic concerns. 

This can already be done today, using plain old modules and organizing your 
data structures in a way that makes sense. Separating business logic from 
UX logic concerns does not require rearchitecting how your application is 
structured, nor should it. In this case, the way to pay heed to Dijkstra's 
advice is not to *create complexity* out of fear. :)

it could be that business logic belongs in Effects Managers. The 
> documentation around Effects Managers, however, suggests that they should 
> not be created all that often and that would be an odd stance for what 
> would be a standard part of a larger program. The second is to put the 
> business logic layer in as a wrapper around the view layer. That, however, 
> requires a rethink of commands and subscriptions to embrace something more 
> like the more general request concept with them really representing a 
> request for the next layer up to do something or provide some information. 

Nah, these are both solutions in search of a problem. I sometimes wonder 
whether the actual root issue here is that I'm saying "you should just 
build things and then divide later in response to specific pain points" but 
that's a really boring (however correct) answer to what would otherwise be 
a fun problem to try and solve. ;)

I'm not the only one saying this, by the way. Erik Lott is developing a 
large Elm SPA and his recent post 
<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/elm-discuss/u3J2eSThkjw/4FT3p50uBAAJ> echoes 
the same "this is the wrong thing to spend time worrying about" sentiment 
I've been repeating.

tl;dr I hear you, but this concern doesn't materialize in practice. Elm has 
some things yet to work out (DOM APIs, how code splitting should work, 
etc), but architecture is not one of them.

We're all set on that front, so let's go build things! :)

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