> It's certainly reasonable to say that there is a point where pursuing 
> fractal TEA is overkill and not buying one much but extra plumbing work.

I would say that pursuing it as the end itself, rather than using it when 
appropriate as the means to an end (the end being a code base that scales 
nicely), is overkill from the start. :)

But it is also exactly the case of things like the sign up form where being 
> able to say "Here is a sign up form. It has a model, messages, update, and 
> view. You embed it in the rest of your app like this."

Sure. You can already do that; that is the signup form's API. That doesn't 
imply the checkbox ought to have the same API!

> The goal in a composable architecture is to have "like this" fit enough of 
> a pattern that a programmer coming into an embedding situation knows what 
> to expect.

That is the purpose of an API; programmers seeking to reuse code know what 
to expect by looking at a clear API.

"Everything ought to have the same API" is a much harder claim to defend. 
It sounds wrong at face value, and I haven't seen any evidence (in this 
thread or elsewhere) to convince me that it's a wise goal to pursue. :)

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