> That appears to have much in common with our app. It seems useful to 
> compare what people building SPAs are currently doing so here's a rough 
> gist of the folder/file structure that we're using 
> https://gist.github.com/opsb/d0977bcb30b42302f3f2dc3daf0befec. There's a 
> few differences worth pulling out
> 1) We have the Store abstraction that I mentioned for data synchronisation
> 2) We have two different top level modules depending on whether or not 
> you're logged in (AppState)
> 3) We split our larger pages into sections which function as separate mini 
> apps 
> I've found myself thinking in terms of mini apps a lot lately. Each Page 
> and each page Section functions as a separate mini app, notably they don't 
> interact with each other, the only communication between them is via data 
> in the Store which they all share.

We're using similar approach and are happy as well. One difference might be 
that we don't deal with sign-in in SPA itself. We're using 
Html.programWithFlags and passing user info to elm on embedding. Some more 
info here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elm-dev/iqErmKHnLDY and 
here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elm-discuss/Lo6bG96zotI

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