
We have the Store abstraction that I mentioned for data synchronisation

Sure. I'm sure this isn't too different - conceptually - from what we're 
doing. Although our app manages some complicated processes, the 
communication with the backend server is as simple as it gets - json gets 
and posts.

> We have two different top level modules depending on whether or not you're 
> logged in (AppState)

It's interesting that you mention that, because we also experimented with 
separating our Auth and Public sides of the app via the type system. I 
can't remember why we chose to flatten the app instead... but we did. 

We split our larger pages into sections which function as separate mini 
> apps 

Yeah, we do the same when necessary, although we use different naming. A 
"Page" in our applications always represent a single onscreen page - so 
routes and pages are always mapped one to one. When we have multiple 
components/widgets on a page, those are broken into separate modules 
(mini-apps as you say) and likely stored in the components/widget folder, 
or broken out into a standalone package. 

I've found myself thinking in terms of mini apps a lot lately. Each Page 
> and each page Section functions as a separate mini app, notably they don't 
> interact with each other, the only communication between them is via data 
> in the Store which they all share.


On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 12:52:11 PM UTC-4, Oliver Searle-Barnes 
> That appears to have much in common with our app. It seems useful to 
> compare what people building SPAs are currently doing so here's a rough 
> gist of the folder/file structure that we're using 
> https://gist.github.com/opsb/d0977bcb30b42302f3f2dc3daf0befec. There's a 
> few differences worth pulling out
> 1) We have the Store abstraction that I mentioned for data synchronisation
> 2) We have two different top level modules depending on whether or not 
> you're logged in (AppState)
> 3) We split our larger pages into sections which function as separate mini 
> apps 
> I've found myself thinking in terms of mini apps a lot lately. Each Page 
> and each page Section functions as a separate mini app, notably they don't 
> interact with each other, the only communication between them is via data 
> in the Store which they all share.
> On Wednesday, 19 April 2017 17:57:28 UTC+2, Erik Lott wrote:
>> I'm a little pressed for time, but I'll try to give a general 
>> architecture outline that works really well for us. Our primary elm SPA is 
>> a customer facing administrative control panel that communicates with a 
>> backend api server and amazon S3. The app manages authentication, 
>> authorization, subscription status, and currently has 17 'pages'. This 
>> particular app is a Static SPA (currently served from s3-cloudfront combo).
>> *Backend API Client*
>> We have an api client written in elm that resides with the api server. 
>> The api-client elm module can be pulled into any elm project that needs to 
>> communicate with the backend server, and includes all http requests, model 
>> types, model json decoders, and any necessary model helpers. Importantly, 
>> this is where authorization and authentication is handled as well. A user 
>> who successfully signs-in via the api will be granted an authorization 
>> token. The authorization token must be provided with each following request 
>> to the api. 
>> example: 
>> https://gist.github.com/eriklott/812a63be9d9cfd6a949cccaa94e6790c
>> *SPA*
>> The folder structure for the majority of our elm SPA's end up as follows:
>>   - Component (folder)
>>   - Pages (folder)
>>   - Main.elm
>>   - Route.elm
>>   - Routing.elm
>>   .. any other app/infrastructure related modules
>> *Route.elm*
>> Module encapsulating functions relating to routes:
>> https://gist.github.com/eriklott/812a63be9d9cfd6a949cccaa94e6790c#file-route-elm
>> *Routing.elm*
>> The routing module holds the state of the current page, and isolates 
>> logic pertaining to which page is displayed for each route
>> https://gist.github.com/eriklott/812a63be9d9cfd6a949cccaa94e6790c#file-routing-elm
>> *Main.elm*
>> This is where the top level modules are wired together. It's difficult to 
>> create a generate example for this since your Main.elm will be application 
>> specific. Here is a hacked together example of a Main that you can sift 
>> through and try to understand what's going on in this specific application:
>> https://gist.github.com/eriklott/812a63be9d9cfd6a949cccaa94e6790c#file-main-elm
>> Some things to note: The client configuration is stored in the main model 
>> and passed down into the pages. When a page triggers a logout or login, 
>> that fact must travel back up to the main module so the client 
>> configuration state can be adjusted accordingly. If you need to know how to 
>> do this, I'm happy to explain.
>> *Pages*
>> Here is an example page:
>> https://gist.github.com/eriklott/812a63be9d9cfd6a949cccaa94e6790c#file-page-apples-elm
>> *Components* 
>> There are mostly shared headers, footers,menus, that are shared across 
>> various pages. Some have their own state, but most are simple reusable view 
>> helpers. 
>> Sorry for being short on descriptions. Hopefully the examples are enough 
>> to give you a sense of direction and organization. Happy to answer any 
>> questions.
>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 5:11:05 AM UTC-4, Peter Damoc wrote:
>>> Hello community, 
>>> Scaling Elm apps seams to be a recurring topic. 
>>> I was wondering if maybe we could negotiate a minimal set of 
>>> functionality, something similar to ToDoMVC, that could be implemented 
>>> using different approaches to explore what could be the best way to 
>>> structure the code. 
>>> What should this minimal example cover and what this minimal example 
>>> should be (topic)?
>>> I'll start the list with some bits of functionality that I would like: 
>>> - multiple pages with common structure (sidebar/navbar)
>>> - navigation without reloading the app (SPA routing without the hash) 
>>> - authentication 
>>> - complex widget reuse (a module/widget that generates side-effects; 
>>> e.g. a weather widget, some stock ticker, an ad provided by a third party)
>>> - styling (CSS)
>>> I would also like the example to cover real world concerns of: 
>>> - using a build manager to integrate with other technologies 
>>> - development mode - deployment build
>>> - testing 
>>> As for topic, I was thinking about an interface to the MusicBrainz 
>>> Database (a simplified interface).
>>> What do you think? 
>>> What bits of functionality would you like to see exemplified? 
>>> Are you aware of any other project (in other languages) that exemplifies 
>>> a minimal set of functionality and could be used as a template?  
>>> -- 
>>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>>> blog: http://damoc.ro/

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