Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

I wanted to add a couple notes and ideas that I've had separately.


I was formerly somewhat keen on having special syntax for other 
collections. For example, OCaml allows you to say [| 1, 2, 3 |] to create 
an array. Hassan made a really nice proposal 
<> to have it be #[ 1, 2, 3 
] back in 2015. Since then I realized you can do the following:

a = Array.fromList
s = Set.fromList
d = Dict.fromList

array =
  (a[ 1, 2, 3 ])

set =
  (s[ 1, 2, 3 ])

dict =
  (d[ 1 => "Tom", 2 => "Sue", 3 => "Jane" ])

(=>) = (,)

This is 1 or 2 characters off all the proposals out there, and it is 
visually much nicer in my opinion.

With that knowledge, the case for special syntax seems significantly 
weaker. I can also imagine detecting when a list is converted to something 
else and doing something more clever in the compiler. That path seems 
better overall to me.

List performance of map, foldl, and foldr

I shared this blog post <> 
optimizing in OCaml a while ago, and Fred did some excellent work 
on this <>! I have not had a 
chance to fully assess the impact on generated code size, so I have not 
merged it in yet. That trick can likely be very helpful for foldl and 
foldr, but no one has looked into it.

I suspect there are many creative things we can do if some focused energy 
was applied to lists. I have not taken a comprehensive look at this after 
Elm got TCO, and I suspect we can do better!

Alternate Implementations of List

Another thing to consider before switching to some other data structure is 
that we can change the performance profile of List using various techniques 
behind the scenes. For example:

   - Skip Lists <>
   - Finger Trees <> that maybe do 
   some sort of "compression" on older leaves
   - I believe there's one that immutable.js does for their lists? Richard 
   told me about something like this. Where "old" nodes grow exponentially in 
   size so the nodes are 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. so it is faster to hop around and 
   you get better locality. Do you recall what this was called Richard?

I also think that manually recursing through lists with a case is 
relatively common, at least in my experience, so I think it'd be good to 
explore concrete bottlenecks in Elm code and see if there are not creative 
things we can do to improve the performance profile of List without 
changing it completely.

Anyway, exciting to see your work as always! And hopefully these ideas are 

On Monday, June 12, 2017 at 12:15:59 AM UTC+1, Robin Heggelund Hansen wrote:
> I've been doing some thinking on how to improve Arrays in Elm. The result 
> of that thinking have been written down in this document:
> The document is quite large, but most of it are benchmark results 
> comparing Arrays and Lists.
> There are some questions at the bottom of the document that I would love 
> to get feedback on.

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