Hey all,

The Elm Discourse is now live at https://discourse.elm-lang.org 
<https://discourse.elm-lang.org/>. Hosting has been graciously provided by 
discourse.org <http://discourse.org/>. You can log in with your existing Google 
or GitHub accounts, or an email and password of your choice.

As I mentioned earlier this week, we intend to replace Google Groups with 
Discourse if everything shakes out OK. There are more details on the site: 
<https://discourse.elm-lang.org/t/transition-plan-from-google-groups/20/3>. To 
summarize: we'd appreciate if you could take new threads to Discourse so we can 
give it a solid run. We will likely not be able to migrate existing 
discussions, but we will retain this list in read-only mode so that existing 
discussions will not be lost. We hope existing discussions can continue and 
finish up over here so that those threads are not separated and hard to join 

We're going to try an experiment around discussion categories. Right now, we 
have these:

1. Learn
2. Request Feedback
3. Show and Tell

The idea is to select your intention for writing the post and things should 
sort themselves out automatically. People get what they need, and we all 
communicate in a healthy way. There's a thread on the forum where we hashed out 
the design decisions for these categories. If you get stuck on which category a 
post belongs in, feel free to contact me privately however makes sense to you 
and I'll help you out. :)

Thanks, and see you there.

P.S. It's completely possible to maintain an email-only interface if you are so 
inclined. Once you sign up, go to your settings (click your picture in the top 
right, then the gear icon.) From there, select "Emails" and then "Enable 
mailing list mode." That said, the web interface is much nicer than it is here; 
give it a try.

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