Implementing tasks-dependencies sounds pretty exciting!

I'd like to jump in this discussion with a very simple idea.

| * TODO When this task is marked done, send SCHEDULED to the next task
|   :SEND: {SCHEDULED 'next "+1d"} {TODO 'next "TODO"}
|   :END:
| * When previous task done, this will turn TODO, SCHEDULED for +1 day

The basic idea is to *send* a property to a task depending on a state
change - in the example above, depending on switching from TODO to DONE.

"SEND" would be a special property, composed of repeating curly braced
constructs {PROP ADDR VAL}, each of one being composed of:

  PROP: the property to be sent

  ADDR: the relative or absolute "address" of the task

  VAL:  the new value for this property (default to the value this
        property had in the previous task)

The "absolute" address could be a GUID or a human readable label. 

I think this way to send a property (or even to propagate multiple
properties to multiple tasks, if needed) would spare us the fuss of
implementing real dependencies with real links between the tasks.  

What do you think?


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