Eric: You're running something newer (by date) than the commit which changed 
the behavior, which was:

ec615b1 - Fix `org-export-babel-evaluate' handling (2016-04-28)

But with all the branches in git, I don't know if you have that commit or not. 
Anyway, I'm not sure why it works for you. It doesn't appear to work for John 
and I the way it used to. Do you have a global "eval: no" set somewhere?

On 2016-05-20 at 12:14, John Hendy <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 10:57 AM, Ken Mankoff <> wrote:
>> As of an Org git commit a few weeks ago, Org exporting (and therefore
>> Org) has become basically unusable for me. I used to be able to
>> export code block results without evaluating the block during the
>> export. I can no longer do this.
> Well, you're exporting them at least *once*, right? If not, where are
> the results coming from?

Yes, but only once. Or sometimes I generate the figure elsewhere (via 
org-edit-special) and then manually put [[file:fig.pdf]] below the #+RESULTS:.

> I do the same as I'm tweaking plots. Every code block I create has
> :eval yes initially and once I'm satisfied with the results I just
> change to :eval no and the generated results (for me, typically a
> #+results line containing a link to a pdf plot generated by my code
> block) are still included.
> Does this help at all? Sorry if I'm not understanding

You understand, and this sort-of helps. I have never used :eval before. Things 
just didn't evaluate by default, and I like it like that.

":eval no" fixes the problem at export, but then I can't evaluate the code 
myself manually when not exporting.

> Mine is set to t. Interestingly, when I export the above after
> deleting the results bit, no new results are generated. When I C-c
> C-c, they are replaced. When I add :eval no, it does't appear to run
> the code.

Yes same here. This new behavior really sucks.

I'm still trying to find a way where:
  + code results do export
  + code does not export
  + code does not evaluate at export
  + code can still be evaluated by me

This was the behavior prior to

ec615b1 - Fix `org-export-babel-evaluate' handling (2016-04-28)

But not since.


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