On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Friday, 20 May 2016 at 17:06, Ken Mankoff wrote:
> [...]
>> Thanks for clarifying your workflow. That seems to work for a small
>> example. But what would you do if you had a manuscript with 100 code
>> blocks in it? And in general you're exporting it a lot without
>> changing anything in code, just editing the non-code text. But
>> occasionally you want to modify a code block (and its results) too?
> So, if I understand correctly, you have org-export-babel-evaluate set to
> nil?  If I set that, I no longer get asked whether I want anything
> evaluated but the (existing) results do get exported.  I just tried it
> to confirm.

Using this block,

#+begin_src R :exports results

I get the following (with *no* pre-existing #+results block manually
created with C-c C-c):

| *o-e-b-e* | *o-c-b-e* | *buffer*  | *doc*            |
| nil       | t         | nothing   | =print("hello")= |
| t         | t         | nothing   | =hello=          |
| t         | nil       | nothing   | =hello=          |
| nil       | nil       | nothing   | =print("hello")= |

Variables org-export-babel-evaluate and org-confirm-babel-evaluate
abbreviated above.

I find two things bizarre:
- these options (well, just o-e-b-e it seems) would change what's exported?
- why without C-c C-c which initiates the #+results block, exporting
which causes babel to execute code doesn't insert the results block.
Is this intended or for a reason?

I've not really looked into these variables and just use :eval yes/no
to toggle things. I find it easy enough to create all my blocks with
:eval no, and do a quick change to =yes= as I'm iteratively exporting.
Finally, I can do a replace-string to catch any missed :eval yes's
before a final export.

>> In the above scenario, I used to edit the code, and =C-c C-c= it
>> manually to get the updates into the results. When I exported the
>> document (C-e l l), it would export in ~1 second (even a >100 page
>> document) and not prompt me about executing code blocks.
> Yes, I do this as well in such a case.
> --
> : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.4-775-g3308a5

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