
org's development version (I am using the one updated yesterday: 2b22d50
Nicolas Go 2016-09-28) seems to ignore the :results setting of a src
block. more specifically, the export of this

#+BEGIN_SRC R  :results output :exports code  :session *R* :cache yes 

#+RESULTS[<2016-09-29 08:32:48> e8e7ff579309fc6cacb1e75a0c1c671366c2eaf8]:
: [1] 4

should *not* include the results, but it does.  the elpa version, e.g.,
org-20160509, respects the :results setting. I tried to debug, but could
not find the place in the process where the option :results is
interpreted. here is how far I got: in the development version the
result of the function org-element-parse-buffer does include the result
of the src block "4" whereas in the elpa version result of the function
org-element-parse-buffer does include it.

did I miss something or is this a bug?


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