Reuben Thomas writes:
> ​Org is nearly 90kLOC, or about 6.5% of the total ELisp code currently in
> Emacs. It's bigger than CEDET, smaller than GNUS.

Within the whole of Emacs, an argument about size doesn't make any sense
at all.  It's also quite arbitrary, as some functionality that comes
with Org could or even should be factored out into their own packages

> It's a project of its own with its own release cadence. It would be good to
> make Emacs less of a monolithic entity, which needs lengthy debugging
> cycles between releases, and has to choose between being out of date with
> various upstreams, or delaying to test integration of big packages.

That needs to be discussed with Emacs devs, not Org (or any other
package that fits a similar profile).  And it has been discussed in the
past, with somewhat interesting responses on both sides.

> Now that package.el is mature, there's no need for Emacs to include all
> this stuff in its source releases.

That assertion isn't universally accepted as true.  Org in particular
continues to show how the integration into Emacs as well as some
functionality in package.el itself is still lacking.  True packetization
of Emacs' "built-in" packages is further hindered by the fact that
package.el is currently solely "user-centric" and lacks the usual
facilities for curating package selection at the installation level.

> ​No, I was just testing the waters to see if a more modern approach to
> development and distribution might be popular. Apparently the answer is, at
> least, not yet!

Again, that's ultimately something for GNU Emacs to decide upon.  But it
doesn't come free nor is all the necessary infrastructure in place yet.

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