>>>>> "EJS" == Edward John Steere <edward.ste...@gmail.com> writes:

EJS> What I think that we shouldn't lose sight of (if I may suggest it): is
EJS> that packaging CEDET, Org Mode and other packages like them in a process
EJS> which integrates them only when producing the tarball would serve to
EJS> simplify things for everyone. Emacs core wouldn't be able to depend on
EJS> packages which are more relevant to the users (and package developers) of
EJS> Emacs, but these packages would still there like they always have been
EJS> when one downloads binary Emacs.

This is the very point I was hoping to make, thanks Edward. If it can simplify
things for everyone, great; if it really will only complicate things, not so

Many software projects have package ecosystems surrounding them that deal with
similar issues, and I can't, off-hand, think of cases where the answer was
"let's move some of those packages into core development to ease ___". This is
why I find it a bit surprising that some feel so strongly about keeping these
large, external packages in core.

John Wiegley                  GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F
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