
Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:

> With the new patch, wouldn't the title, that was not intended to be shown,
> still show up in places like browser tabs and bookmarks? I have to yet try
> it.

Yes, but that’s a feature.  It’s how ox-{latex,odt} works as well (via

> So I was going to suggest to set title tag to empty string "" or something
> generic like "HTML". I don't think I would use the title:nil option.

You can do this by setting title to an empty quote and Org will export it,
but you produce invalid HTML.  It’s actually a bug in ox-html IMO.

> But if one needs to hide the title, I think it should not leak out of
> the Org document.

This is inconsistent compared to ox-odt and ox-latex cf. above.  While the
two are not entire consistent in general, they are consistent in keeping
the title as meta data, while not printing it.

> That would be fine if that prevents the title from showing up in browser
> tabs, etc.

It does not.  We could change the manual to be more clear about this (it
says title "toggle[s] inclusion of title").


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