Hi Adonay,

Adonay Felipe Nogueira <adf...@hyperbola.info> writes:

> Also, as a final note, the default grffile inclusion in the Org-to-LaTeX
> (and to PDF also) doesn't include the necessary options to make LaTeX
> accept spaces and accents in file names. That's OK for compatibility
> reasons, and if you do want to force it to accept such special
> characters, use the grffilesetup LaTeX command with the proper grffile
> options.

Including the "space" option doesn’t seem to make a difference on my
GNU/Linux system with TeXLive 2017.  The grffile manual suggests that
space is conditionally loaded anyway:

    Therefore option space is only enabled by default, if the supported
    pdfTEX in PDF mode is detected or XƎTEX is running.

As for other options like "extendedchars" I am not sure it’s straight
forward to load by default.



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