Aló Felipe.

To tell Emacs Org mode that you want a .pdf, customize the "org-latex-pdf-process" variable.

I usually do it from the export menu: C-c C-e l p (export, latex, pdf).
To do so, do, visit: [[help:org-latex-pdf-process]] and click the "customize" link. Near the name, you will see a "Value Menu" buttom, it has latexmk there.

I still never customized that export, thanks a lot for the information (emacs and orgmode depth and power never cease to amaze me). I will investigate the difference between the standard 3 runs of latex and latexmk. Of course, any experience about this will be gratefully enjoyed. :)

Best regards...

eduardo mercovich

Donde se cruzan tus talentos con las necesidades del mundo, ahí está tu vocación. (Anónimo)

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