
Greg Minshall <minsh...@acm.org> writes:

> not wanting to look gift horses, etc., but i've a question.  if i
> understand the change correctly
> ----
> -             (looking-at "\\<call_\\([^ \t\n[(]+\\)[([]"))
> +             (looking-at "call_\\([^ \t\n[(]+\\)[([]"))
> ----
> now something like "oncall_foo()" will be taken as "on" followed by the
> inline results of call_foo().  is that right?  (testing, seems to be.)


> i worry that might be a bit too lenient.

Note there is no such restriction on macros either, so you can write


If "call" macro expands to "call_foo()", you get a surprising error if
the inline call is not expanded thereafter.

> sometimes one might want "oncall_foo()" to stay as "oncall_foo()".

In this case, you can use verbatim markup, or even non-breaking space
before the underscore.

Whatever the regexp we use, some contexts will require non-breaking
space anyway. The current solution is at least consistent with other
parts of Org (e.g., macros).



Nicolas Goaziou

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