On 2018-05-02 01:12 +03, Göktuğ Kayaalp <s...@gkayaalp.com> wrote:
> Okay, I'll read up on these, both code and manuals.  So we've agreed
> that what we want is a new header argument, ‘:edit-vars’, whose value is
> a form similar to a varlist, where
> - a form (var val) means bind var to val in the editing buffer,
> - a symbol var means bind var in the editing buffer to the buffer-local
>   value of it in the relevant x.org buffer, as in (setq
>   (make-local-variable var) (with-current-buffer "x.org" var))
> Do you confirm?  Also, what do you think about :edit-bindings or
> :edit-locals instead of :edit-vars? :var is a completely different
> thing, and :edit-vars may cause confusion, given the similarity of the
> name.

Also, another question remains: how do we extend this to #+begin_export
blocks?  But that's unclear to me maybe because I don't know in detail
how header arguments work.  Ideally this feature would work for _any
block_ editable by ‘org-edit-special’ (i.e. C-c '), and again ideally
using the same syntax.

İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp       <https://www.gkayaalp.com/>
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