Göktuğ Kayaalp <s...@gkayaalp.com> writes:

> The attr was meant for BEGIN_EXPORT blocks because it seems to me that
> an equivalent of ‘org-babel-get-src-block-info’ does not exist for those
> blocks, and that function _only_ works with BEGIN_SRC blocks.  Is there
> a function available or would I have to write one to do this?

With the following example:

   #+header: :foo bar
   #+begin_export latex

(org-element-property :header (org-element-at-point)) => (":foo bar")


(cl-mapcan #'org-babel-parse-header-arguments
           (org-element-property :header (org-element-at-point)))


((:foo . "bar"))

> Looking all over the Org manual searching for BEGIN_(LATEX|HTML), I
> haven't seen once a header argument used with a block that is not a
> BEGIN_SRC block, in neither of the forms.  And none of the ‘org-edit-*’
> functions apart from ‘org-edit-src-code’ in org-src.el seem to process
> header arguments, and nor does ‘org-src--edit-element’.

True, but this is also true for "attr_...".

> I can't find any documentation on Org-mode's internal APIs and how
> different parts fit together, so I'm having to figure things out reading
> source code.

See <https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-element-api.html>.

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