Matt Price <> writes:

> A while ago I asked about a slack syntax exporter.  I cpy text from org to
> slack often enough that I spent an hour or two today writing a simple one,
> which I put up in a  gist:

Nice, thank you!

> If people are interested, I will be happy to package it up & put on melpa
> or whatever (would be the first time for me).

Yes, I think it's quite likely that I would use this sometimes, so I'd
love if it was conveniently available.

Best wishes,

> I mostly am interested in copy-paste, not in producing permanent files, so
> I use it with this simple utility function:
> (defun ora-org-export-to-clipboard-as-slack ()
>       "Export region to FMT, and copy to the kill ring for pasting into
> other programs."
>       (interactive)
>       (let* ((org-export-with-toc nil)
>              (org-export-with-smart-quotes nil))
>         (kill-new (org-export-as 'slack) ))
>       )
>     (global-set-key (kbd "C-c W s") 'ora-org-export-to-clipboard-as-slack)
> The "ora" prefix reflects its origins in an old oremacs function that I use
> for (much more involved) HTML copy-paste:
> - [[
> code from oremacs]]
> - [[
> original post]]
> SO far it seems OK. There are doubtless still bugs so probably it would be
> better to make a repo after all!

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