I wrote:

>> Anyone have a good method of tracking the Tags that you've used across
>> all of your Org files?  Some sort of Tag Index to help you keep track
>> of the tags you've used and where you've used them so that you don't
>> start creating new tags that differ from old ones by (say)
>> capitalization?  Or to help you find everything tagged a certain way
>> when you're moving to a new tagging style?  Perhaps an index where
>> you could keep a note on why and when you created the tag?
>> Is there any tools for this?

Geez, my grammar is terrible because I dropped words! (fixed)

Anders Johansson <mejlaande...@gmail.com> writes:

> I have struggled with similar issues in the context of using tags for
> coding in qualitative data analysis. The stuff that I’ve hacked
> together for solving this (pretty particular) use case are available
> here: https://gitlab.com/andersjohansson/orgqda
> Maybe some of the ideas there can help?
> This is centred around projects (a bunch of files with research
> material in text form) and I haven’t thought much about adapting it to
> be used for all my org files.

Interesting.  It seems you're building an Emacs internal database of
tags stored in Emacs variables.  I'm thinking it might be better to
store the information as Org meta file where a header is a tag and under
that might be a note and a table of references to where the tag is used.

> For a project, you can easily extract a list of all used tags, rename
> and merge them. You can define a file for each project as a codebook,
> where the use of each tag is documented. There is also a more fancy
> tag-completion via helm that optionally fetches info from the codebook
> file.

Still learning helm and how it applies.

> Another approach for keeping a sort of index is John Kitchin’s org-db
> http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2017/01/03/Find-stuff-in-org-mode-anywhere/
> Current code:
> https://github.com/jkitchin/scimax/blob/master/org-db.el

Hmm. Beyond my Emacs hacking...


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