I use Org agenda to manage both work and non-work TODOs. I tend to use
the tags @home, @work. When at work I don't want to distractions from
@home stuff, and vice versa.

In a work context I would like an agenda view that excludes anything
tagged with @home, and a list of the 5 highest priority non-@home tasks.
Vice versa for a home context I want to exclude @work stuff. Items with
neither tag should show up in both views.

I can easily do this in the list of TODOs, with a tag search. However, I
haven't figured out how to do this for the agenda. Is it possible? If
so, how? If it's not possible, can I skip the agenda and instead create
a separate tags-todo search that shows a list of only those scheduled /
timestamped / deadlined for today in a separate stanza, so they stand
out from the unscheduled ones?

Here's what I'm currently using. The tags-todo search works as I like,
but I can't figure out how to exclude agenda items with certain tags
from the agendas.

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("w" "Work Agenda"
         ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'day)))
          (tags-todo "-@home-MAYBE/TODO"
                     ((org-agenda-max-entries 5)
                      (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'all)
                      (org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'all)
                      (org-agenda-todo-ignore-timestamp 'all)))))
        ("h" "Home Agenda"
         ((agenda "")
          (tags-todo "-@work-MAYBE/TODO"
                     ((org-agenda-max-entries 5)
                      (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'all)
                      (org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'all)
                      (org-agenda-todo-ignore-timestamp 'all)))))
        ("m" "Maybe"
         ((tags-todo "MAYBE/PROJ")
          (tags-todo "MAYBE-PROJ/TODO")))
        ("P" "Projects" tags-todo "-MAYBE/PROJ")))

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