Hi Bastien,

Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes:

> Hi Adam,
> Adam Porter <a...@alphapapa.net> writes:
>> https://alphapapa.github.io/org-almanac/
> this is a very nice list of resources!
> Do you think we can advertize it somewhere on Worg?
> If yes but are unsure *where*, just go ahead with whatever location
> seems fine, we can always rearrange Worg's contents later on.

Yes, I'd be glad for it to be listed on Worg.  Feel free to add it if
you like, or I might add it myself after I add a bit more content.

I was thinking about working on Worg rather than making yet another
resource, but:

1.  I saw you mention that you're planning to reorganize Worg's content
soon, and I wouldn't want to interfere with that.

2.  I sometimes feel hesitant to put a lot of effort into curating and
organizing content on Worg because, like all wikis, that work can easily
be invalidated if others come along later and add content in random

One of my goals for this "org-almanac" is to catalog content in a
somewhat canonical way, to avoid the "wiki effect."  For this project,
I'd rather have less content that's organized more clearly, than have
lots of content scattered about.  Of course, I don't presume to say that
the way I've done it is the best way, and I'm experimenting as I go.

Anyway, do you have any more thoughts about these issues?


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