Hi Tim,

Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:

> I agree 100%. We have already gone through this pain and as has been
> pointed out numerous times, the 'new' approach has significant benefits
> over the old <x expansion. Yes, it takes a bit of effort to untrain the
> old habits, but once done the new version works fine.

Point taken.  But as I said, I think both approaches fit different use

So my question is rather: why would it be so bad to enable org-tempo
expansion by default?

When simply use, it just allows <* expansion.

> I also think Nicolas' point that adding (require 'org-tempo) is a lot
> more trivial than removing it from the list of loaded modules.

Yes, I somehow agree, but yet: the poll so far seems to show that most
users want it back (10 on 15, as the moment, two votes against.)

Org is not poll-driven software, but this says something that we might
want to listen to.

> The other poinit is that while tempo has been around for years, it is
> not the easiest templating solution to use, especially for those
> unfamiliar with it who may want to add their own tempo templates. Other
> templating solutions, like yasnippets, are likely much easier for new
> users to adopt than tempo.

In its basic usage, <* expansion seems very simple to me.

I'm all for not enable org-tempo by default iff we can allow expansion
of <* strings at the beginning of the line.


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