Emanuel Berg via "General discussions about Org-mode."
<emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> writes:

> Thanks, I wonder tho if all this

>   (setq org-descriptive-links      nil)
>   (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers  nil)
>   (setq org-startup-folded        'showeverything)

> is implied, with `visual-mode'?

Beware: =visible-mode= not "visual"!

As far as I understand the internal of Org an Emacs, some of the
visual features of Org are implemented with overlays, some are
implemented with text properties. Disabling visible-mode just makes
invisible text visible - but I do not fully understand whether this
affects really all kinds of "invisibility" or just some.

So I for myself prefer to say Org explicitly what I want instead of
trying to take advantage of an indirect effect that may disturb Orgs
internal state (or not; I just do not understand enough of Org and
Emacs internals to really judge this).

Until the next mail...,

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