>>>>> On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 01:07:22 +0200, Jeremie Juste 
>>>>> <jeremieju...@gmail.com> said:

    Jeremie> Hello,
    Jeremie> Thanks for the input.

    Jeremie> From what I understand, it seems that org-table-sum is not 
behaving as
    Jeremie> expected. I don't know if it would be interesting to split the 
    Jeremie> into 2. One for summing of time values and one for summing 

I suspect that the people using org-table sum would not want to split
the function in two: itʼs a useful utility function (and why split off
the integer summing? Thatʼs always going to be accurate).

    Jeremie> For the sum of integers (possibly real numbers) it might be 
    Jeremie> to make a function use TBLFM directly? 

You could make org-table-sum use calc, which would achieve the same. I
donʼt think there'd be any complaints about floating-point additions
suddenly being more accurate (famous last words)


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