
I have slightly improved the org-table-sum function.
It calls directly calc-eval and yield the same result as vsum.

It can not handle better floating points.
> | 171.00 |
> |   4.07 |
> |   4.44 |
> |   2.61 |
> |  12.21 |
> |   6.69 |
> |  19.72 |
> |  23.09 |
> |   6.23 |
> |  15.28 |
> | 250.00 |
> | 250.00 |
> | 250.00 |
> |  78.85 |
> |--------|
> |        |
> #+TBLFM:@>$1=vsum(@1$1..@-1$1)

diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index a3c49874c..ac237af2c 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -4728,6 +4728,18 @@ blank, and the content is appended to the field above."
      ((equal n 0) nil)
      (t n))))
+(defun org-table-cell-no-prop (x)
+  "remove property from org-table-cell. If cell is empty output nil. X is a 
string - a cell from org-table
+usage (org-table-cell-no-prop #(\"foo \" 0 2 (face default))) ==> foo
+  (interactive)
+  (let ( (res (replace-regexp-in-string "\s+" "" 
+                                       (substring-no-properties x))))
+    (when (not (equal res ""))
+      res)
+    ))
 (defun org-table-sum (&optional beg end nlast)
   "Sum numbers in region of current table column.
@@ -4769,9 +4781,9 @@ If NLAST is a number, only the NLAST fields will actually 
be summed."
                           (t (setq items (reverse items))
                              (setcdr (nthcdr (1- nlast) items) nil)
                              (nreverse items))))
-            (numbers (delq nil (mapcar #'org-table--number-for-summing
-                                       items1)))
-            (res (apply '+ numbers))
+            (numbers (delq nil (mapcar 'org-table-cell-no-prop  items1 )))
+            (res (string-to-number (calc-eval
+                                    (combine-and-quote-strings numbers  

Best regards
Jeremie Juste

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