On 2021-02-26 01:20, Kyle Meyer wrote:
TRS-80 writes:

On 2021-02-24 15:58, TRS-80 wrote:
On 2021-02-16 23:30, Kyle Meyer wrote:
So, if I'm reading your preferences correctly, it sounds like you want
just the first suggestion in the above snippet, leaving
org-adapt-indentation at its default value:

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (electric-indent-local-mode -1)))

OK, I just did eval-expression (M-:) with (electric-indent-local-mode
-1) in an Orgmode buffer.  After very brief testing, it does indeed
seem to return the desired behavior.  So thanks a lot for that tip!
OK, so after that yesterday, I went ahead and added
(electric-indent-local-mode -1) to my org-mode hook.  Then today upon
re-starting Emacs, I am back to not working.

By not working I mean:  Pressing enter goes to column 0 as it should,
however then pressing <TAB> does nothing.  Where previously it would
jump to same level as indented above.

My settings are:

- electric-indent-local-mode nil (local in each Orgmode buffer, set via

- org-adapt-indentation 'headline-data

I'm just repeating my suggestion from above, but perhaps you want to
leave org-adapt-indentation at its default value of t?

Apologies, I had skipped right over that bit!

Doing as you say appears (after very brief test just now) to have given
me back all the expected behavior:

- RET goes to column zero

- TAB goes to indentation level

- Logbook entries are indented as they should be

However in the course of doing this, it reminded me of what I was trying
to do in the first place, which I thought I could accomplish with some
of the new functionality (headline-data in particular).

In my mind at least, the headline data belongs "with" the headline.  So
all drawers like LOGBOOK and PROPERTIES (and their respective entries,
of course) should all be indented to same level as headline.

Now, I used to think the same way about the body text, but I changed my
mind a year or two (maybe more) ago, as I realized that was just wasting
too mych space.

So, my reading of this new(?) headline-data setting, was that it seemed
to be exactly what I had been looking for!  But perhaps I misunderstood?


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