On 2021-04-28 00:03, Bastien wrote:
TRS-80 <lists.trs...@isnotmyreal.name> writes:

In the same timeframe, I have also noticed my Logbook entries not being
indented (when changing TODO states) which I think was also brought
about by this change (or rather, my changes to org-adapt-indentation).
I am not sure if I should make a separate thread about that, or not?

this particular issue has been fixed yesterday in master, if you want
to give it a try.

Again, thanks for follow up.

I think I had given up on this because of the strange behavior I
couldn't figure out at the time.  In fact, looking again today, my
setting for org-adapt-indentation was commented out in my init file.
Hopefully this is what was fixed recently.  Here is what I remember:

** Heading
   - State "CREATED" from           [2021-01-22 Fri 12:56] \\
     - Some comments here.

Then doing in/out dent with org-adapt-indentation set to
'headline-data would break just the comment part of the logbook entry,
like so (everything else seemed to move OK):

*** Heading
    - State "CREATED" from           [2021-01-22 Fri 12:56] \\
    - Some comments here.

I am a Debian user, so I will get to test the latest commit in about 2
more years maybe?  :D

Jokes aside, I appreciate your follow up and so wanted to report back.
I don't know when I will get to actually test the new fix, but if this
is what was fixed I greatly appreciate it.


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